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Does your website attract enough attention?

We study everything that happens in the brain of users to detect unconscious vs conscious
processes and produce high-level strategic data to boost your platforms in the sky.

Today we make it possible to study brain processes involved in every kind of online platform

We apply neuroscience in different fields such as urbanization, transportation, sports and social performance, politics, finance but also art and design. We operate in any context where it's fundamental to understand the brain’s processes in relation to specific tasks.

KPI Data is not enough: what do customers honestly think about you online?

People don’t express their preference only by behavior. KPI gives you information strictly on the movements customers make on an online platform. It is important to understand their thoughts, emotions, and satisfaction in order to optimize the KPI results. It’s strategic today to know what a customer wants to see or how he wants to be engaged. Neuroscience, Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence are the necessary tools to interpret KPI data.